I believe that the closer to reality a person gets, the more his mental health becomes sound.

I’ll give you a space to be confident enough to explore and reach to the self transcending attitude yourself while simultaneously getting a chance to learn from you as well.


e begin with an introductory session in which assessment takes place. We go through everything at hand, and then come up with a game plan. No, I don’t offer some magical advice or unveil some neat trick which will boost your serotonin in 30 minutes. The purpose of this initiation is to develop a long-term strategy that will get you on your own feet, and you leave from my coaching to step out into the world as an improved version of yourself. Whether it’s being crippled by anxiety, being in a never-ending slump from depression, or simply beating yourself up for being human (though I doubt you would believe it!), I’m here to help .

Mental health coaching is a way to discover parts of yourself that lie beneath the surface, and work on healing them. Fair warning, you may not like all that you may discover. A crucial part of coaching is enabling you to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Throughout the sessions, I promise to sit with you, understand your problems, and help you in getting to the depth of the matter. The goal is to enhance your agency to solve your issues until you meet the version of yourself you aim to be.

Nothing would make me happier than you attaining the courage and freedom to live a meaningful life as identified by you, in which you define your own meaning rather than it being decided by me. I will collaborate with you in nurturing your individuality so you become more mindful and healthy in all dimensions. These include all the things that make us human, be they psychological, physical, sexual or spiritual dimensions.

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