I am a Medical Doctor turned Psychotherapist and Mental Health Coach. I help people with their healing and growth. My rotation in the Dept. of Psychiatry and subsequent experiences with patients during my house job prompted me to turn toward the less visible wounds people carry. I am certified in Logotherapy by the Victor Frankl Institute of Ireland, holding a Diploma in Logotherapy & Existential Analysis from the same institute. I have worked for Telepsychiatry Pakistan’s panel as a Mental Health Coach since its inception and received supervision in treating patients with a psychodynamic approach. Recently, I have completed my training in Intensive Psychoanalysis (Online IPPP – Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program) from William Alanson White Institute, New York. My work is regularly supervised by an experienced US based Psychotherapist. Aside from coaching, I have also delivered talks on mental health.

Some of the issues I address include stress, anxiety, depression, family conflict, professional development, and CSA. If you’re just starting out, you’re probably seeing multiple coaches or doctors to see what they can do for you. Just drop me a message to see if we’re a right fit, and I’ll take it from there.

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